Jewelercoin was founded to bring innovations to Metaverse and Stable coins. With these projects, It aimed to connect many people to itself and to reach every individual that the blockchain system did not reach.
Jewelercoin was founded to bring innovations to Metaverse and Stable coins. With these projects, she aimed to connect many people to herself and to reach every individual that the blockchain system did not reach.
Nft Market
Stabile Coins
Centralized, Decentralized
We are ready to reflect the real blockchain to the world from our many projects
It was created from many blockchains such as Eth, Bnb, Avax, Tron.
A roadmap was created in the best way, as well as a fair distribution.
The pre-sale of our first project, Jewelercoin, has started.
Jewelercoin Projects created by a group of Commercial Driven and Innovative Blockchain fans
Want to learn more about Jewelercoin project details?
The Jewelercoin project was created by Jeweler Software Company, which brought together a group of blockchain fans and developers to create Jewelercoin. Jewelercoin has leveraged many blockchains. This facilitated the emergence of Jewelercoin.
Jeweler Software Company launched Jewelercoin. The reason is that according to the information obtained as a result of long follow-ups, the blockchain is used for the following different purposes. Jewelercoin, on the other hand, came out to bring the blockchain to its original purpose.
The aim of Jeweler Money is to develop more transparent, honest and fair blockchain projects. The first priority goal is to reach where the blockchain cannot reach.
Jewelercoin is 750.000.000 in total supply. Ethereum, Binance and Other blockchain tokens.
What have we accomplished together on this journey we set out on?
We set out by promising to reach every unreachable place and every individual.
If You Can’t Find The Answer To Frequently Asked Questions, Contact Us
It is Jeweler Software Company’s first cryptocurrency.
It is a token built on Eth, Bnb, Avax, Tron and many other blockchains.
Blockchain can be bought by any individual and company who is a crypto lover and trader.
-J VR Metaverse
-J NFT Marketplace
-J GOLD Stabile Coin
Yes, it will be on the website and in many places.
Of course, many exchanges were contacted.